Disposal & Material Costs
Absolutely no hazardous waste or liquids will be accepted for disposal (including batteries, paint cans, used oil, anti-freeze, asbestos, etc.). Appliances or air conditioners are accepted as recycle only.
(Cash/CC customers must be at the scales by 5:00 pm, Monday–Friday and by 11:00 am on Saturday.)
Material | $ Per Ton1 |
MSW2 | $120 |
Greenwaste - Clean3 | $125 |
Asphalt | $150 per load |
Contaminated Soil | $200 per load (requires prior approval) |
Appliances (recycle only)4 | $115 each |
Computers / Monitors | $85 each |
Certificate of Disposal | $225 per load |
Untarped Loads (penalty)5 | $175 per load |
Hard-to-handle / Bulky Waste | $275 each + disposal |
Environmental Fee | $19.71 per load |
Fuel Recovery Fee | % adjusted monthly per DOE Index |
Safety Vest (required for all without one) | $12.50 each |
Hard Hat (required for all without one) | $12.50 each |
Included Fees
The following taxes are already included in the disposal rates above:
- LA County Business Tax-10% (10% of base rate)
- LA County Solid Waste Management Fee ($1.50 per ton)
- CA Integrated Waste Management Fees(AB939) ($1.40 per ton)
- City of LA Franchise Fee-12% (12% of base rate)
- City LEA Facility Permit Fee ($0.63 per ton estimate)
- LA County RCUP Fee ($2.98 per ton estimate)
- City of LA ATL fee ($0.89 per ton estimate)
All rates subject to change without notice.
1 These rates include taxes, processing, and disposal. Rates as of July 1, 2024.
2 MSW is municipal solid waste consisting of non-hazardous residential or household refuse, commercial waste such as construction and demolition wastes.
3 Green Waste is considered tree and lawn clippings, leaves and brush.
4 Appliances (microwaves, refrigerators, etc.) are accepted for recycling purposes only. Since many of these appliances contain materials that cannot be placed in the landfill, these items are put in the hazardous waste storage area and are taken off-site by a licensed contractor for recycling or disposal. These are considered bulky items and are subject to a hard-to-handle charge.
5 Tarps Are Required: Uncovered loads are subject to a Non-Containment Fee of $175.00 per load/unit. State CA Vehicles (SEC 23115) requires all vehicles that haul refuse or recyclables to be covered to prevent spillage from vehicles. This code will be strictly enforced.